Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blonde or What???

This is a joke my kids told me the other day:

3 girls went to a Magical Mirror. The mirror told them that each of them had to tell the mirror something and if it was true they would be granted a wish and if it wasn't true they would be sucked up by the mirror. The brunette went first, "I think I am the prettiest girl in town." She was sucked up by the mirror. The red head went next, "I think I am the prettiest girl in the neighborhood." She was sucked up. The blonde walked up to mirror and she said, "I think..." She was immediately sucked up by the mirror.

Are my girls trying to tell me something???

I am always telling stories on my poor husband. (Even though as funny as they may be - I shouldn't always share so much information with our friends.) So I will tell on myself and oh trust me there are so many to choose from. So many of our friends have come to my rescue with my numberous outings that ended with me being stranded by the side of road with lack of gas. Yes I know what the E on the gauge means. I have such an aversion to the high prices, but after I have had to call almost everyone to bail me out - simple embarrassment starting winning out and I tried not to press my luck as much. I would say ended my road side events but it hasn't completely. I have run out two times in the past couple of months, luckily I just had to be embarrassed with my own husband. He has even given up getting mad at me. He just shakes his head and makes jokes now. He brings his A.R.C. (Abby's Rescue Can) to my rescue. I can hear you now, Marty - I know I know - all those city planners working so hard to strategically place all those Gas Stations on every corner. How do I drive past all of them and never give them a second glance? I said I would tell a humorous story and this one is probably losing its humor.

So today, I woke up this morning and I was so tired and for a second thought about just sleeping in, but it is Sunday and I didn't want to miss church. so I made myself get up after hitting the snooze button a few times too many. I was running late as usual. I start buckling the kids in the car and realize Emma has been playing with the water on the refrigerator door again and the whole front of her was completely soaked. I grab my keys and run back inside to get another dress. I threw my keys on the counter, ran and grab a dress and ran out the door. Leaving my keys on the counter. I called my dad who has lost my spare key. I called Melissa who comes over and tries to break into my house for me, with no luck. So Dave and Steve leave church to come help me out. A few seconds later with help from a hammer and screwdriver I am back in my house. Thank you!

I swear I feel like I am always forgetting little things these days. I feel more blonder these days then I did when I was younger. So hopefully my family will continue to have a sense of humor and bear patience with me. Can you imagine what I will be like when I am 80?!?! Poor Tucker!!!


Amanda said...

That is such a funny story! You are great :)

Nikki Painter said...

Hilarious! I am waiting to run out of gas almost everyday b/c I cannot bear to see how much it will really cost to fill the entire tank up!! I recently found cheese I put in a drawer who knows how long ago, with each kid I think we loose something upstairs!

flmama said...

Abby, you wouldn't be you if you stopped running out of gas! That would be sad! ;) I locked myself out of the van at Lowes last year. I had to call Jeannette, in our ward and lives just a few blocks away, to go to my house because Marty wouldn't answer the phone and get his keys so she could come save me. So, it isn't just you! :)