Monday, June 30, 2008

Husband Tag

Okay I have to say I was really trying to avoid this one, but after Niki and Kelly both tagged me, here I go, but I am treading softly here. Tucker and I have made it 13 years and I want to make it another 13!

1-What's her husband's full name? Tucker Andrew Hindman - if your curious about any nicknames he might have had growing up - BooTuck - his mom called him that. I absolutely loved and had hoped I would have a BooTuck of my own.

2-How long have the two of you been together? As of ths month, June, we have actually been together for 13 years. We spent almost 3 months of that apart while he was in Basic in Texas, which he left for shortly after we started dating, met it's all the same. He came home for a 10 day leave before he had to report to Ft. Hood and that is when we got married, Nov. 11, 1995

3-How long did you date? Here it goes - We started dating mid-June, he left for Basic in August and came home in November. So we actually dated for about two months before he left. Then we wrote each other all the time while he was at Ft. Benning. I wrote almost everyday.

4-Who eats more? I would have to say he does. He always eats after he has eaten dinner. When we first got married - he would have a bowl of cereal, ice cream, and yogurt after dinner. He still has cereal or ice cream or something. I don't know how he does it and still looks so good!

5-Who said, "I love you, first?" Well he is not here to ask and I can't remember exactly. I want to say it was me - but my memory isn't the same as it use to be. Okay I think I may remember - it was Tucker. I'll have to ask him if he remembers!

6-Who is taller? He is taller, but not as much taller as he would like to think.

7-Who sings better? - Hands down - I cannot sing at all! His mother can sing - I'm not saying that gene was carried on to her beautiful son, but he does sing better then me, but then again so does everyone.

8-Who is smarter? I use to feel smart, but after 5 kids I feel like the ditsiest person (see I'm not even sure if that is a word or if it is even spelled right). I am going back to school, so I am hoping if I start using my brain again, I can recover some of it! I am a true believer in brain shrinkage due to pregnancies. Tucker does know a lot of stuff, especially about History, which by the way was my major in college.

9-Who does the laundry? I would say that I do it more, but he does help out a lot. I just wish I could get some fabric softner in with my towels - is that too much to ask? I guess I shouldn't complain I am getting help.

10-Who does the dishes? Same as above - he really does help around the house. Now if you asked who cleans the floors more - Tucker actually wins hands down - he has a thing about dirty floors. I happy if we have clean clothes to wear and clean dishes to eat off of - what more do you need?

11-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? This has changed as we have moved. In this house, I do. I sleep away from the door. And that has been kind of how it has always been, he always sleeps closest to the door - I guess for protection. I will tell you I read an article - where they did a survey and it showed that in houses with children, usually it is the mother, so the children will come bother her first! I sticking with I need protection!

12-Who pays the bills? This is sometimes an issue for us. I pay the bills and sometimes he doesn't like how I do it and I tell him he can gladly take over any time!

13-Who mows the lawn? He does. I have mowed our lawn one time! He has to start the lawn mower for me. It's this monster thing he got when he had his lawn business and I am a wimp and cannot get it started.

14-Who cooks dinner? We share this. If I had to pick who does it the most, I would say me, but he does really help out alot. I think he kind of likes to cook.

15-Who drives when you are together? He usually always drive. I have driven a few times, when he was just really tired, or he had something he had to do while we were driving. Even on long trips he drive almost all the way. I'll drive for a very short while so he can get a little rest. I use to could drive when I was younger. I could drive 8 or 10 hours no problem, sometimes even 12, but now 30 minutes in the car and I am falling asleep, and that doesn't even have to be driving, I could just be riding!

16-Who is more stubborn? Okay, okay I'll tell you that I am. Tucker would be the first one to tell you that too. But he does have a stubborn streak too. Always been that way, just ask my parents!

17-Who kissed who first? Oh my gosh-I waited and waited for him to make the first move. I was 22 and he was 18, I wasn't getting any younger! But I have to say, that I am really glad I did, otherwise he might of went off to Basic and things could have been different!

18-Who asked who out first? No one! In our case we never really actully dated! I came home from college for the summer. My stepbrother, Scott, came home from his dads for the summer before he left for Basic at Ft Benning, which is where Tucker was going to. Same date and everything. My step-mom and Tucker's mom were and are best friends and thought the two of them should meet. So the three of us hung out all summer until Tucker left for Basic. My brother ended up going home to marry his high school sweetheart.

19-Who proposed? I think I will skip this one. Our annivesary is coming up in November, I would like to make it then. It was so long ago! LOL! (Let's just say, I asked him if he was going to ask me!)

20-Who is more sensitive? I'm with Kelly on this one - do we even have to ask this one. I am hands down! I would like to think as I am growing older that I am getting less sensitive. My poor children have inherited this trait!

21-Who has more friends? I would say it is probably pretty close, but if we did an actualy count Tucker probably has more. He has lived here his whole life. Now if we are counting quality friends???

22-Who has more siblings? Okay this could get crazy. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and 2 step brothers (who technically aren't my step-brothers anymore, but they will always be brothers to me) Tucker has 1 sister, 1 step-brother and 2 step-sisters. So you do the math?

23-Who wears the pants in the family? I know this may sound corny but I really think we have a partnership. He takes the lead on somethings and I take the lead on others. (while other things we both just throw our hands up and shake our heads)

Alright - I did it and it wasn't too bad. Hope I didn't embarass Tucker or myself too much. I do have to say I love Tucker so much and he is a absolutely wonderful husband and father and I feel so blessed to be on this journey with him! Sorry about the mushiness! Now let's see who I can tag - Lara, Alyssa, Kelli, and Amanda. Let's learn a little more about those men of yours!


flmama said...

Oh, that wasn't too mushy, Abby. It was sweet. Tucker is a great guy. But, it doesn't surprise me that you had to make the moves to get him to the marriage question, he was just a kid! :)

Wilde Lady said...

YAH! You did it! I'm glad that Kelly tagged you too, because I was starting to think that you weren't going to do it. I always love hearing you talk about Tucker, you guys are always so sweet with each other. You'll definitely make it another 13+ years!