Thursday, June 12, 2008

Author's Tea Party

I know I am so far behind in my posts. I probably have quite a few things to post about, but I should have put this one up sooner, so you can all have a good laugh. One of the teachers at school told me not to miss Meriah's Author Tea Party because I would want to hear her book. Oh, how I wish she would have given me a little more warning then that. Kids say the darnest things!!!


Amanda said...

So cute! What a good analogy to compare your family to a weed because you just keep growing. Maybe your family should continue to grow so that Jonah has a friend his age :) Who is this "Jacob" from Georgia?

Wilde Lady said...

I miss those Meriah moments! She always knows how to speak the truth and make everyone laugh at the same time. I hope that you guys are doing well, we miss you!