Thursday, June 12, 2008

Welcome to Summer!!!

I know I'm late but I would like to officially say It is Summer - even if technically it is not until June 19th. For me summer starts as soon as the kids get out of school. I absolutely love summer and being able to spend time with the kids in a laid back atmosphere - no rushing to get homework done, no getting up early and getting ready for school. We go to bed when we want and get up when we want for the most part. And we try to play as much as we can. We had such a blast last summer and I am looking forward to another summer of some good quality family time. The girls did good in school as usual. We are still waiting for Breana's report card to be mailed home but we know she did well. Meriah finished the year out by getting Osprey Student of the Month which is an award given to student for Academic and Character Excellence. Meriah also got an E in Math on her report card which is great. They do not give out Es too often because it means the student is doing everything well and is above grade level expectations. In Kindergartin through Second grade, they are on a E, S, P, N scale. Which means above, at grade level, needs improvement. Regan scored 4s on both her Reading and Math FCATs. Awesome job. Breana got a medal for Language Arts award. It was her and another girl. Her teacher said that she made sure she got both girls autographs before the left 6th grade, because someday they are going to be famous writers. Breana loves to write and she is very creative. I am so proud of all of my girls. So we are off to a great start for summer and are looking to have some fun. It always goes by too fast, we just try to enjoy it while it is here. Hope everyone has a great summer!

1 comment:

flmama said...

I guess I had only scanned this post before. I just caught all of the girls' school accomplishments. That is awesome they are all doing so well. Tell all three of them congrats from us!