Friday, April 4, 2008

Breana & Regan's Haircuts

Breana has been wanting to cut off her hair for Locks of Love ever since I did it and we finally got around to it. We were going to make it a mommy and me day for just the two of us, but then she wanted to know if Regan could come. That is very rare so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to let her include her sister. So the three of us took off today to have some fun and Regan decided she would even cut her hair today, which totally shocked me because she absolutley loves her long hair. We took off to the mall and ate lunch and then went and got the haircuts. I was sick to my stomach because I was afraid after they got their hair cut and saw that they might not like it and get upset. I was so afraid! But they both really turned out so cute and they both absolutley love their new looks and they feel really good about being able to help other kids out. They both cut off a little more than 12 inches and once again my girls look like me! We went shopping later and instead of clothes they ended up getting Webkinz and for those of you who don't know what they are. They are little stuffed animals with secret codes to log onto this Webkinz website and you get to take care of them and even design bedrooms and all kinds of things for them, so I guess the two of them will be fighting to get onto the computer! But all in all it was a really nice day spent with my girls. We all had a really good time!

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