Saturday, March 29, 2008

First Night of Spring Break

Our very first night of Spring Break we stayed up very late playing Super Mario Galaxy on their WII. Caleb did not make it and just as we stopped Meriah passed out in the rocking chair. Breana, Regan, and our went on to our beds. Needless to say we all slept in until late. Tucker got home in the morning and the girls all jumped out of their beds to tell him how Momma let them stay up late playing Mario, unfortunately even Momma has gotten hooked on the game and I have to fight to get my turn. But we are all having fun.

1 comment:

flmama said...

Didn't know you had a Wii! I love Super Mario Galaxy. I like to play and make the boys be the star shooter on the second controller. :) Do you have it hooked up to the internet? I am about to get ours plugged in. Mario Kart is coming out soon and you can play up to 12 people online at one time, super cool!