Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Emma went to see the Orthopedic today and we got WONDERFUL news!!! She no longer has to wear her brace (the Rhino Crusier). She has made good progress and the doctor thinks she will continue to make progress on her own. For those who did not know, Emma was diagnosed with Bilateral Hip Dysplasia right after she was born. That means that both her hips were out of alignment and if left untreated her hips could pop out of place, especially when she begins walking. We are still waiting for that to happen. Tucker and I have diagnosed the princess with Butt & Foot Syndrome. That's where her butt and feet cannot touch the floor. When you are holding her and bend down to sat her down, she hikes up her legs and clings tightly to you. You know royalty must be carried everywhere they wish to go. She has recently decided to stand on her own, which is remarkable improvement, but she won't let Tucker and I get out of sight. She immediately starts crying if you go to leave. Anyways, her hips are looking good. The doctor will check her again in 6 months to make sure she is continuing to do good. We can't tell you how thrilled we are to not have to put the brace on her anymore. I don't know who is more happy her or us. She was a real sport about the whole thing and she never let it slow her down. I just feel like somehow she is freer now. It's just absolutelhy great!!! YEAH!!!

1 comment:

Cloward Family said...

Yeah!!! I never thought I would see the day! I'm so excited for Emma! I remember the day she got the brace and I'm so happy to see that it wasn't long before you got to throw it away!
