Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to School

The girls are back to school. Yeah!!!! Breana is now in middle school and has joined the band. She will be learning to play the flute. She is so excited. Regan has entered 3rd grade and she will now be getting A's, B's and C grades, before she was on a E,S,P system. She is also excited about being in 3rd grade and loves her teacher. Meriah is in 1st grade and has 2 wonderful teachers. One is a new teacher this year, so they co-teach for the first year. Meriah is already making new friends. She can find friends wherever so goes. Meriah had hat day during her first week. They had to make an unusual or funny hat. She just loved the hat we made! She really enjoys school. I was sad to see summer end. We had another great summer and I enjoy being able to spend so much time with them. It it quiet at home now and I do enjoy that as well, but Caleb and Emma keep me pretty busy. I am so lucky that I can stay home with them for the most part. I truely love being a stay at home mom.

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