After 13 years I still just absolutely adore and love Tucker. He still suprises me and makes me smile and warms my heart. I love his work schedule, it seems to allow us to really spend time together. We both look forward to those days that he has off during the week, when it is us and the two little ones. We just love spending the day together when it is not so hectic and crazy. I can't imagine what those days will be like when all of the kids are in school and it's just the two of us. Yesterday, Tucker was off from work and we decided to go out to eat for lunch. While we were eating lunch he leans over to Emma and asks her if she wants to go pick up some flowers for Ms Gini. I had told him the night before how she had had a bad day that day. We got busy the next day and my mind was on a million other things, but he remembered our conversation the night before. (Okay, he actually listens somethimes, I'll have to give credit now) Anyways that's what we did after our lunch. He went and picked out the flowers himself, while I stayed in the car. He called me and asked me what kind of flowers to get and I just told him pick out something nice, which he did. We went over and had a really nice visit. We just absolutely love their family, we have know them for about 11 years. Anyways after that we then picked up the girls from school and came home. It got late and we hadn't done anything for dinner, so we decided to try a restaurant I had been told about. We went out for dinner and came home. Tucker promised the kids they could have some of his homemade carrot cake he made the night before, while I had been at my presidency meeting. And by the way, it is a very good carrot cake and it is not helping me with my goals. So after the kids were done, I was getting ready to put on my running shorts and shoes and Tukcer said I thought we would go get some ice cream and walk on the beach. We both are in love with the Thin Mint Cookie blizzards at Dairy Queen (not helping!) So, we put Emma to bed and told the kids that mom and dad were going for a moonlit stroll on the beach. Breana was grossed out and Meriah didn't believe that we were really going to do that, she thought we were tricking her and made us promise to take pictures for proof, that explains the pictures below. There was no moonlight, it was completely dark, but there was a really nice breeze and we both enjoyed walking, holding hands, and stopping occasionally for a kiss. ( I know, I know, TMI) But it was really nice. Tucker is so thoughtful and so sweet, though he probably doesn't want anyone to know that. Even after 13 years, he can make me feel like the little girl pictured above, by the way is from a card he got me. I just love this card and keep it in my bathroom where I see it everyday. Thank you, Sweetie, L.Y.F.E.
Your girls' reactions to your plans made me chuckle. They are so fun, we really miss hanging out with you guys.
P.S. You two are fun, too, not just your kids! :)
How Sweet! Maybe he should teach a class in priesthood on how to be a better husband and father! :)
I've always admired how you two are together! What a fun day! Poor Tucker, now everyone knows that he's not the tough firefighter that he loves to try and pass off. He really is a big softy! Love you guys and miss you!
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