Meriah made this today for Tucker and I. She is always doing things like this for her family and friends. Breana had the craft box out and was working on a science project and Meriah must have gotten in there too and put this together for us. Tucker and I always marvel at how sweet and thoughtful she is. She is always worried about other people and their feelings. She is also the middle child and they always say it is hard being in the middle, but it doesn't seem to bother her at all.
I just loved Pres. Monson's talk today - he either said Enjoy the Journey Now or Find Joy in the Journey Now, now I can't remember exactly. But he talked about looking around at all the toys everywhere, piles of dishes and loads of laundry, and how they will disappear soon and we will miss them when they are gone. There are days when I think I'll never miss all this laundry - it never ends and then there are days when I do realize what the neverending pile of laundry means and I know that there will come a day when I look around and there are no toys to be found, all the dishes and laundry are done and put away and I will probably feel a little lonely and think the house is too quiet. I love the story the Pres. Monson told about the father taking his boys to the circus. My sister tells her husband the same thing - childhood - they aren't making anymore of it. You can't get those days back. We truely need to find Joy in the Journey - always looking for tomorrow will leave empty yesterdays.
Thank you, Meriah, for your kindness. You truely bring a light and a joy to our family and our home. We love you so much and are very proud of who you are.
I loved Pres. Monson's comments, too. As he said it, I looked at the disaster that Tate had single handedly created and it didn't bother me as much. I think I may have enjoy his terrorism tactics a little more. It is amazing what a 1 year old can do! :)
P.S. Let Meriah know that we still have the pictures she drew for us last time we were down, they are hanging on my fridge. They make me smile every time I see them.
I so loved that talk too, that is one to reread over and over for me!!
I love that talk too! I was packing away some of Jonah's little clothes this morning and it made me so sad that he would never be that little again!
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