Thursday, May 29, 2008
Chuck E Cheese's
We went to Chuck E Cheese the other day with Melissa and the kids. we were watching Kevin and got to bring him along for the fun. Tucker even got to join us - I'm sure it was just what he wanted to do on his day off. The kids had fun as usual. They went through their tickets in no time but then they are just as happy to run around and play with each other. Kevin was our big ticket winner, playing Slam A Wham, winning 50 tickets! Yeah. Melissa and Tucker had a friendly competition going on the Basketball hoops. I won't tell you who won, because I don't want his ego bruised because he was beaten by a girl! And don't ask him around the Race Cars either! I shouldn't give him a hard time, he is always up for hanging out with the kids and doing things with them, even if it means being surrounded by a bunch of moms. He is really a great dad!
Our Bed???
After night
This little monster creeps into our room with a big 'ol grin on his face. He either tells us that he is a little boy and its scary or he tries to sweeten us up by saying mommy daddy you're the best. He doesn't even wait for us to respond, he climbs right up in bed and gets the cold blanket. Caleb decides blankets are either hot or cold ones. He thinks the green sheet is the cold blanket and that is the only one he likes to slepp with and then our other blanket he says is a hot one and he doesn't like it. Trying having that in the middle of the two of you. He keeps kicking of the "Hot One" that the two of you are trying to use. How did our 4th child end up in our bed? Okay don't answer that - I know. We let him wrap up around his little finger - but who could resist the "I'm just a wittle boy and its scary!" He usually falls asleep pretty fast and then Tucker carries him and puts him to bed, but sometimes then between 2 and 4 he comes back. I guess I have my summer cut out for me. Emma will be 2 and she will be needing to leave the crib behind and Caleb will be moved back to his room by himself. That will be interesting.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Blonde or What???
This is a joke my kids told me the other day:
3 girls went to a Magical Mirror. The mirror told them that each of them had to tell the mirror something and if it was true they would be granted a wish and if it wasn't true they would be sucked up by the mirror. The brunette went first, "I think I am the prettiest girl in town." She was sucked up by the mirror. The red head went next, "I think I am the prettiest girl in the neighborhood." She was sucked up. The blonde walked up to mirror and she said, "I think..." She was immediately sucked up by the mirror.
Are my girls trying to tell me something???
I am always telling stories on my poor husband. (Even though as funny as they may be - I shouldn't always share so much information with our friends.) So I will tell on myself and oh trust me there are so many to choose from. So many of our friends have come to my rescue with my numberous outings that ended with me being stranded by the side of road with lack of gas. Yes I know what the E on the gauge means. I have such an aversion to the high prices, but after I have had to call almost everyone to bail me out - simple embarrassment starting winning out and I tried not to press my luck as much. I would say ended my road side events but it hasn't completely. I have run out two times in the past couple of months, luckily I just had to be embarrassed with my own husband. He has even given up getting mad at me. He just shakes his head and makes jokes now. He brings his A.R.C. (Abby's Rescue Can) to my rescue. I can hear you now, Marty - I know I know - all those city planners working so hard to strategically place all those Gas Stations on every corner. How do I drive past all of them and never give them a second glance? I said I would tell a humorous story and this one is probably losing its humor.
So today, I woke up this morning and I was so tired and for a second thought about just sleeping in, but it is Sunday and I didn't want to miss church. so I made myself get up after hitting the snooze button a few times too many. I was running late as usual. I start buckling the kids in the car and realize Emma has been playing with the water on the refrigerator door again and the whole front of her was completely soaked. I grab my keys and run back inside to get another dress. I threw my keys on the counter, ran and grab a dress and ran out the door. Leaving my keys on the counter. I called my dad who has lost my spare key. I called Melissa who comes over and tries to break into my house for me, with no luck. So Dave and Steve leave church to come help me out. A few seconds later with help from a hammer and screwdriver I am back in my house. Thank you!
I swear I feel like I am always forgetting little things these days. I feel more blonder these days then I did when I was younger. So hopefully my family will continue to have a sense of humor and bear patience with me. Can you imagine what I will be like when I am 80?!?! Poor Tucker!!!
3 girls went to a Magical Mirror. The mirror told them that each of them had to tell the mirror something and if it was true they would be granted a wish and if it wasn't true they would be sucked up by the mirror. The brunette went first, "I think I am the prettiest girl in town." She was sucked up by the mirror. The red head went next, "I think I am the prettiest girl in the neighborhood." She was sucked up. The blonde walked up to mirror and she said, "I think..." She was immediately sucked up by the mirror.
Are my girls trying to tell me something???
I am always telling stories on my poor husband. (Even though as funny as they may be - I shouldn't always share so much information with our friends.) So I will tell on myself and oh trust me there are so many to choose from. So many of our friends have come to my rescue with my numberous outings that ended with me being stranded by the side of road with lack of gas. Yes I know what the E on the gauge means. I have such an aversion to the high prices, but after I have had to call almost everyone to bail me out - simple embarrassment starting winning out and I tried not to press my luck as much. I would say ended my road side events but it hasn't completely. I have run out two times in the past couple of months, luckily I just had to be embarrassed with my own husband. He has even given up getting mad at me. He just shakes his head and makes jokes now. He brings his A.R.C. (Abby's Rescue Can) to my rescue. I can hear you now, Marty - I know I know - all those city planners working so hard to strategically place all those Gas Stations on every corner. How do I drive past all of them and never give them a second glance? I said I would tell a humorous story and this one is probably losing its humor.
So today, I woke up this morning and I was so tired and for a second thought about just sleeping in, but it is Sunday and I didn't want to miss church. so I made myself get up after hitting the snooze button a few times too many. I was running late as usual. I start buckling the kids in the car and realize Emma has been playing with the water on the refrigerator door again and the whole front of her was completely soaked. I grab my keys and run back inside to get another dress. I threw my keys on the counter, ran and grab a dress and ran out the door. Leaving my keys on the counter. I called my dad who has lost my spare key. I called Melissa who comes over and tries to break into my house for me, with no luck. So Dave and Steve leave church to come help me out. A few seconds later with help from a hammer and screwdriver I am back in my house. Thank you!
I swear I feel like I am always forgetting little things these days. I feel more blonder these days then I did when I was younger. So hopefully my family will continue to have a sense of humor and bear patience with me. Can you imagine what I will be like when I am 80?!?! Poor Tucker!!!
Mother's Day
I know it's a little late, but I wanted to say thank you to all the mother's in my life for the graceful examples and wonderful advice. My mom always gave me her time and company when I was young. She always made sure to spend time with us kids. She taught me that an education was important and you had to set goals and work hard to achieve them. She use her talents to improve and brighten our lives. One thing I remember most was every Easter my mother made my older sister and me our dresses. I look forward every Easter to those dresses and I don't think I let my mother know how much I loved those dresses, because I remember when I was about 10 or 11 she was bought me a dress thinking I would be so happy and excited about a store bought dress. It was a beautiful yellow dress but it never could compare to those dresses my mother made us. She spent so much time with us, teaching us and loving us and making sure our home was a place we always felt love and secured. I would like to thank Terry who got me through my teen years. Nothing like inheriting a teen girl, emotions, drama, and all. She got me through fights with my friends and boys who broke my heart. She use to laugh when I thought I was too old to go out and be seen in public with my parents or I just couldn't get my hair or clothes right. I hope I will remember that because I am becoming a mother of a teen daughter myself. She shared her testimony with me so many times even when she didn't know she was. She accepted me and loved me and didn't let me get away with things I shouldn't. I also have to thank Kathy, Tucker's mom, who has become another mother to me. She is always so graceful, kind, and loving in all she does or says. She always finds the positive or good in any situation or person. She shares her love and warmth with me and my children. She raised a beautiful son who became a loving husband and a wonderful father. I can never thank her enough for all she has done for my family. All of the mothers have helped me to become or strive to become the kind of mother I am. I love each and everyone one of them and feel so blessed to have them in my life. I would like to thank my husband and children for making my Mother's Day so special. They woke me up with breakfast and took care of me all day. I got my books the next 2 in the Twilight series which I have finished already. Meriah made sure that I got my snuggly blanket so I don't have to steal hers anymore. Though Meriah loves to share her blanket she just thought I should have my own. I love Mother's Day because it reminds me to think about my mothers and it also reminds me just how much Heavenly Father has blessed me and my life with these beautiful children. They truly make up and complete our family. I couldn't imagine my life without anyone of them. They each bring unique characteristics and individual personalities to our family and make it a complete package. Love you all!
Monday, May 5, 2008

I just recently read this book. I really enjoyed it! It was an easy read as well as a great page turner. I read it in two days. I can't wait to read the next in the series. So many people had recommended this book. It has been such a long time since I have read anything, because if I can't get into it right away I won't keep reading. This book is probably meant more for Young Adults but I really enjoyed. The next is New Moon and doesn't come out in paperback until the end of the month and I am fighting the urge to not run out and buy the hardcover. This is a 4 series book. The third is Eclispe also out and the 4th is Breaking Dawn, which is due out August 2nd. The author Stephenie Meyer is Mormon, so it's nice to read a book that you don't have to worry about coming across things you might not want to read. She is coming out with her first adult novel tomorrow, May 6th, called The Host. Now I am trying to decide which do I do first continue reading the series or go ahead and read this one. I am glad I read this book, it has gotten me excited about reading again, though I am not sure Tucker would agree. I had my nose buried in the book for 2 days, but at least it ws only for 2 days! I would definitely recommend it!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wannado City
Regan had a field trip at school last week. They went to Wannado City. It is a really neat place. When they got off the bus the were giving $150 in Wannado money. Then when you go inside you get to try out all different kinds of jobs and earn more money and then you can spend it on the "fun activities". They have rock climbing and a little fair and other things. It is really neat. They have pilot academy, casting calls, modeling, radio and tv stations, archeaology, vet, fire dept, police dept, hospitial with surgery, er, and nursery, cookery where you make your own cookie, pizzeria-make your own pizza, salon, bank, courthouse, grocery store which is actually a Publix, coca cola bottling, and a Willy Wonka factory, which the kids really wanted to do but the line was forever long. There were so many things to try. We had 4 kids in our group, 2 boys and 2 girls which made it kind of hard because they wanted to do different things. So we didn't get to do all the things we wanted. But it is really neat the kids got to put on work clothes and try different jobs. The first things the kids did when we got there was go to the bank and put some of their money and the bank and then get a bank card. They loved being able to go to the ATMs and use their cards and get money out. We had alot of fun and I am glad I was able to go with Regan. I'd like to go back and take the family.
Congratulations on Making Honor Roll
Congratulations to Breana and Regan on making Honor Roll again. They have worked really hard all year long. They always make Honor Roll and I am so very proud of them. Love you girls and keep up the good work.
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