Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Time at the Park
We went to the Park last Saturday. The weather has been so nice that we have been spending a lot of time out doors. I love this weather. We had so much fun. We tried to fly a kite, perfect weather for kite, but not a very good kite. I'll have to get them a better kite. The kids had fun trying anyways.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Fun in the Sun
We went to the beach today. We had a blast. The water was a little cold but you could get use to it, if it wasn't for the crabs nipping at your toes. There were little crapbs everywhere and after Melissa got bit, the kids wouldn't get in the water very much. But it was a beautiful day. They played in the sands and then we fed the birds. Once we brought out the food they starting swarming us. You could hold a chip up and they would come and get it right out of our hands. After that Melissa and I decided to be brave and try to catch a crab for the kids. She managed to catch two. The kids thought they were so cool, they didn't want us to put them back in the water. It was such a perfect day.
A Day at the Zoo
We went to the zoo yesterday. We didn't get too many pictures becaused it rained on us the whole time. It kind of stunk. We didn't see too many animals as they were all looking for shelter to stay dry. We didn't see too many and animals and we started to get a little cold as the more we got soaked, but it gives us an excuse to go back another day. The highlight was seeing a white alligator, which was pretty neat.
Disney World
We went to Disney on Valentine's Day with my sister, Margaret and her family. I don't have that many pics because my batteries died right after we got there. The weather had been warm before my sister got here and the morning we woke to go it had gotten cold and we weren't really dressed for it, but we still had a good time. The lines were short and we got to do almost everything we wanted, but we did not ride Thunder Mountain but we ran out of time. The kids favorite was the Buzz Lightyear ride where you get to shoot things and the RaceTrak. I rode with Meriah who drove our car. I laughed so hard and we both got whiplash. They added Captain Jack Sparrow the Pirates of Caribbean ride and the likeness was uncanny. It was cool. We really enjoyed being able to go Margaret and her family. Caleb just loved his cousin, Grace. He followed her everywhere and wanted to go on all the rides with her. I wish we were albe to live close to each other so the kids could grow up together. Overall, even though I was a little chilly it was a really nice day.
Breana's History Fair Project
Breana was learning about conflicts and compromise in History, around World War II. So after she finally narrowed her topic down, she picked Rosie the Riveter. She did a really good job on her project and it turned out well.
Happy Birthday to Our Friends
Happy Birthday to Brennan, Connor, and Taylor!!! We had a blast at their birthday party. It was a nice day and perfect weather. Emma could not get enough of the snow cones!!! Regan was such a good big sister and kept making them for her. Thanks for the fun time!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
My 35th Birthday

Last month I turned 35!!! I know I know. I'm getting old. But this year I decied to embrace my age, so I decided I needed a new look. Little did I know, my wonderful husband had a suprise in store for me. He got home from work in the morning of my birthday. He woke me up and told me to get in the shower and not to worry about my hair or my make-up. I had to be ready in 20 minutes, because Melissa was on her way to pick me up. They had planned a whole day for me. Melissa and I got manicures and pedicures. Then we went and got haircuts. I caught off 17 inches and it will be going to Locks of Love. By the way one of the stylists said I have style now! It's nice to be told you didn't really have any style!!! Melissa and I just laughed. Melissa had set up a make-up consulting appointment for me with Clinique. That was probably way over due since I have been doing my make-up the same way for about the last 15 years. Then I went shopping for a new outfit for my birthday dinner. Tucker had dinner reservations at Ruth's Chris steakhouse for me and some of our friends. They have the best steaks you will ever have. It was a really nice dinner. I had an absolutely wonderful birthday. Tucker did an awesome job and he really suprised me. I have to say it was one of the best birthdays ever if not the best! Thank you to my wonderful, thoughtful husband, whom I love so much.
Caleb's Haircut for His 3rd Birthday
Caleb turned 3 on Dec 28th. He had been asking me for a couple of weeks to cut his hair like Daddy's. Tucker had been wanting me to cut his hair as well. I really really did not want to. I love his hair long, I love his little surfer boy look. After it was cut, both Tucker and Caleb liked it. I cried. I'm not ready for him to be growing up. Everyone likes it. Caleb is always asking us to spike his hair. It is cute, but it makes him look so different and older and I still miss his longer hair and I just might see if I can get away with letting it grow back out.
I'm a little late, gotten behind with my postings but hopefully I'm getting caught up now. We had a wonderful Christmas. I ljust love the holidays. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, there's just something in the air. I love spending time with family and friends. We miss all our family and friends that we are not able to be with, but they are always in our hearts and thoughts.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
This has become part of our Christmas Tradition. There are two families who lived beside each other and have these really awesome train tracks in their back yards and at Christmas they open it up to the public. So the past couple of years we gather with some of our friends, grab the hot cocoa (even if it isn't cold outside) and take off to see the trains. When you first get there they have a whole Bethlehem scene set up and it is beautiful. They use Christmas lights as the back drop and when you put on these 3D glasses they have, it makes the lights twinkle and move and it is beautiful. Then you walk in the backyard and there are two train set ups. One with older looking trains, more antique and the other is more modern. We just absolutely love going there and usually during Christmas we end up making a couple of trips. It is so enjoyable to go with some very dear friends. And as I am writing about this now, a couple of months past Christmas - this particular trip from last Christmas means even more. There are two families who went with us that are moving. They have become very dears friends and we have enjoyed sharing our lives with them. We will miss the Wildes and the Campbells so much. They mean the world to us and we think so highly of both of these families, but I have a feeling that good things are in store for them. Good Luck and Best Wishes and you guys better keep in touch. We were and are so blessed to call you friends, but more then that we feel like you guys are family.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Remembering Pres Gordon B Hinckley
Today was the funeral service for Pres. Gordon B Hinckley. It was very moving and inspiring. I have always loved Pres Hinckley. To me he radiated love and kindness. He truely loved everyone he met and even those he didn't. He was truely a prophet of God. Through him it was evident that our Heavenly Father loves us and that he holds us in his hands. He sent a wonderful man to lead His church and he will be missed by many. I always enjoyed watching him speak. I loved the fact the he had a wonderful sense of humor. I heard his daughters talk about their parents at a Time Out for Women conference and you could not deny how much their parents loved them and how much they loved their parents. On top of the many things that Pres Hinckley inspired to change in my life or to reach for, both him and his wife inspired me to be a better parent. I am thankful for having him as a prophet, he strengthened my personal testimony as well as many others. He did so many amazing things for the church and has left a wonderful legacy. He truly was a disciple of Christ and set a wonderful example and made us want to be better "to stand a little taller." Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us and He will have His church led by the righteous. It is exciting to see what is coming next. As Pres. Hinckely said, "the best is yet to come." I am so thankful for my membership in the church and all the blessings my family and I have recieved by living the gospel. I believe the church is true and I believe we will be led by a living prophet who is guided by Heavenly Father. Pres. Hinckely was always challenging us to read the Book of Mormon. Our family has taken that challenge, even though it is taking us a while, we keep trekking on. I want my children to have read it and to pray about the truthfulness of it, to use it in their lives. As someone said during the service today - thank you to the Hinckley family for their great sacrifice of their time with their father, grandfather, or great grandfather so that he could carry out Heavenly Father's work. We were truely blessed by a great man, "a giant among men."
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